Equal Opportunity Enjoyment

By Sy Koddelli

  I first visited Joshua Tree National Park in the winter of 1978. Not many people knew of the place then or that it even existed at all. Of the select few drawn to what was then the National Monument, were an early breed of rock climbers and veteran trippers. I was a combination of both. My “Deadhead” buddy had already climbed El Capitan and he had asked me if I wanted to try out (what seemed at the time to be slightly insane) – rock climbing? …while tripping of course! I was all game! We entered the “Monument” at sunrise after ingesting three “Yellow-cloud barrels” of Lysergic-acid-diethylamide each. We also had obtained a ¼ oz. of Northern Cal. “sinsemilla”- The pure seedless Sativa that happened to be the best herb available at that time – sometimes called “Christmas bud”. Of course we rolled a “California bomber” for our entree into this crazy environment, which was completely alien and unknown terrain to me. Believe it or not we did end up going technical rock climbing, and then went on some rather treacherous and perilous hikes through some canyons of “many faces”. When we left the park that day the sun appeared to set with a full rainbow spectrum hue, composing the entire panoramic vista of the sky and horizon. Well, it left an imprint – that’s for sure! No wonder I continue to return, to what is now the National Park, for an annual soul search and cleanse.

 Unfortunately, the popularizing of Joshua Tree National Park through media and publicity has brought more people, and with them more Rangers! I love tripping in the Park, but many of my choices of drugs are also unfortunately illegal, and the Rangers do frown heavily, to say the least, on people indulging in any Schedule 1 substance, actually any FEDERALLY scheduled substance at all! Of course though, you are allowed to consume all the alcohol you want, as long as you don’t create a nuisance of yourself. Well, for that matter then, there is really an abundance of legal substances that you could use…..if you wanted to indulge in something other than alcohol. Let’s see now? Shall we just compose a list?!

  The nicest benefit about the information that I’m about to disclose is that it is applicable in many forms. That is to say, that we can apply this philosophy to multiple aspects of our lives, including work and play! All the substances that I am about to list are 100% LEGAL, both Federally and in the State of California. You can use these substances in The National Park, in the bar, on the street, at a club, in your house, …. or while off from work, …from any job, …even “no tolerance” jobs, such as; City, State and Federal employment. Why? Because there is NO test to determine whether these substances are in your blood or not! …. Because they are legal! …. So why would there be a test?!

 So here’s to useless drug laws, piss tests, Equal Opportunity Employment and those general “anti-fun committees” that exist! Go have some fun everyone and screw those conservative few! Here is a list of 100% legal goodies:

  1. Salvia divinorum: A possible profound, short duration, psychedelic (Unfortunately this entheogen has become illegal in most of the United States, but has not been Federally scheduled or scheduled in California yet!)
  2. Sceletium tortuosum: Euphorant: lasting up to two hours.
  3. Amanita muscaria: Social psychedelic or …not so social.
  4. Lotus flowers: Hypnotic sedative.
  5. California poppies: Mild sedative and muscle relaxer. Contains NO opiates!….just don’t pick them on National Park or Ca. State property!
  6. Leonurus genus: Motherwort and other leonurus species contain a di-terpene similar in effects to mild cannabis.
  7. Heimia salicifolia: a mind altering hypnotic-psychedelic   

This is over a half dozen 100% legal plants that you can research further and then purchase …. and then use whenever or wherever you want, with NO worry about the laws or any future piss-test! If the authorities don’t like it – then let them take it to the Feds!    

 My suggestion would be to experiment with one of these while enjoying the sunrise or sunset in our beautiful National Park. Spend the whole day there grooving on all the awesome canyons and rock formations. Watch-out! …you might start seeing faces in the rocks! It is a public park right? Well, then it’s there for the recreation of all right? “That’s right! …..As long as you are not breaking any kind of law!” This is a free country right??  ……“As long as your not breaking any kind of law!”  So then….. Happy trails to you!!