Close Coca Encounter

Online Purchased Coca Tea. K.Berman 2010

(This article first appeared in the American Free Journal Weekly July 29-Aug. 4th, 2010 Vol.19 No.31)

A friend of mine recently gifted me a box of Coca Tea or “Mate de Coca” as it is known and sold as in Peru. Mate de Coca is made from the ground leafs of the Coca plant (Erythroxylum coca). My friend had informed me that they had purchased the product over the internet, directly from the manufactures. They told me they had had it shipped right to their mailing address, here in the hi-desert. I found this hard to believe. 

 I have been to Peru on several occasions. I have also “smuggled” back a few bags of Coca Tea. I always imagined that if they were discovered by Custom agents I would go through the embarrassing process of detainment and arrest for smuggling a controlled substance! Was all that just some negative fantasy I had conjured up in my head, due to my own ignorance? NO! It was well assumed fact!

Cocaine is illegal and scheduled in the U.S.A. It is a Schedule Two drug. Schedule Two drugs are classified by the Federal government as “drugs with a high abuse risk, but also have safe and accepted medical uses in the United States”.  Anything containing any amount of Cocaine (even naturally occurring) is therefore illegal to possess or purchase according to the law without a prescription. That does not mean that you can’t order Coca tea online! Anyone anytime can order illegal things over the internet, although that does not pardon the crime. Sometimes you might receive your order, or sometimes you may not. Hopefully if you do receive your goods they don’t come with an extra added package that has a badge, a gun and a warrant for your arrest !

So I checked it out… and sure enough… it can be ordered!…There are several companies… many for that matter… and more than tea…much more!….Coca leaves, Coca leaf salves, Coca leaf powders…all shipped directly to your door- here in the U.S.A.! So I checked the forums… all the Q & A’s ….and Yes! People are receiving Coca merchandise!

It seems U.S. Customs has either eased up on Coca products or they’re slackin’ a bit. Whether they are allowing Coca products to pass knowingly or not, this does not change the legal status! Coca products (Leaves, teas, ect. ) are unfortunately (like so many other plants with medicinal properties) 100% illegal….So if you’re holding….beware the man don’t come knockin’ at your door….sayin’: “Let me in… You can’t be sippin’ that tea no more”!!

Some notes on Coca Tea:

Effects: The effects are mildly stimulating producing a slight euphoria or “feel-good” sensation. It is not a jittery stimulant like caffeine because what it actually contains is Cocaine. It is therefore the mildest form for ingesting this alkaloid. It also aids in digestion.

Preparation: If you really want to maximize the effects of Mate de Coca DO NOT follow the directions on the box! Remove the leaf from the teabag and put it into a small pot with 2cups (16oz.) of water. Add ¼ teaspoon of Citric Acid (found @ most health food stores) and boil until it has reduced to 1cup. Strain; Sweeten to taste; Then consume.

Interesting fact: The largest legal importation of Coca leaf in the U.S.A. is by the Coca-Cola Corporation! ….whom still add Coca to Coca-Cola in the preparation of their “secret” serum. Although, unfortunately Cocaine is no longer present as it was when Coca-Cola was first made popular in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.