This website was founded by Kenny Berman. Kenny began his layman research on entheogenics over 40 years ago. His involvement with holistic arts (which started in 1988 working with bio-feedback techniques), provided him a different outlook on the entheogens. In 1996, three years after receiving his advanced certification in Jin Shin Do acupressure, he went through a profound mushroom healing in Honduras. This was the beginning of his investigations into the traditional methodological applications of the healing properties of sacred visionary plants. Since that time he has spent close to four years in Latin American countries investigating and researching the healing properties of sacred visionary plants native to Mexico, Central and South America. He has spent most of that time in the jungles of Chiapis, Mex. and the Peruvian Amazon. His research has included several extended stays apprenticing with a mestizo curandero (shaman) in the Ucayali region of Peru, two and a half months working with a powerful plant teacher in sourthern Ecuador and close to two years in the Mexican States of Chiapas and Oaxaca investigating all the entheogens in this geographical region.
Since 2001 he has produced several events under the title of “An Entheo-Educational Experience,” including a series of classes in 2001, 2005, 2009 and 2012 on the traditional applications of entheogenic plant medicines. In 2002 he initially launched entheomagico.com which remained active until 2014. In 2003 he produced a two day entheogenic workshop, which included a half dozen presenters, also entitled: “An Entheo- Educational Experience.” In 2008-09 he wrote a series of articles for a desert newspaper called the “Desert Valley Star Weekly” & “American Free Journal Weekly” for an “Entheo-Education” column. In 2015 he published his first small book entitled: Sacred Datura inoxia – Toloache – Flor de luna. He as just recently published a book that he has been working on since 2005 entitled: Psychedelic Shamanic Magick: A Guide to the Ritual Application of Sacred Visionary Plants. He is happy to announce that this website is now up and active once more for people to use.