
Come         Sit here      On top         Of The ALL         See            The view         This sight             From          High above. 7-22-1986


To create –                        creative space Such a reality –                             alone and without Still being –                     still existing –                                             as one Still being –                     still existing –                                              alone and without Such is creation. Late 1987

                        Dream Catchers

Freezing to death                 In an overheated world Set out to suffer               Through existence …..Suffering                    Through times with each other …..Suffering                    In this place together ….Suffering                  Without hope of recovering Damage accrued False hopes pursued Hope far fetched                  Beyond our catch In a web well weaved                  For our silent … Read more

Dream State

Is this a dream? It seems that way. Maybe one day the dream will end, Then ALAS! We will awaken again! 1-30-1984

Divine Thin Line

There is No Hate.    Hate does not exist. Love is ALL existence –               lying in ITS evolutionary degrees in ALL. This is not opinion,       but realization –          beyond most perspectives. May 1987

Can’t Understand

We are ALL ONE                           and therefore We should be                         living in harmony But for            some reason                                 we are not. 10-23-1990

Any Comment?

Fate is Macro                      Fate is Micro Each thing                 Is part of What is            To be Still       What is                   To be Can        and Will                    Only be. 8-9-1989

All It Is

Matter is               only present                                     in Thought. Thought is                  only present                                        in Spirit. Spirit is             only present                                   in ALL. “Matter is Spirit inverted!” * * Ancient occult truth. 7-7-1988

Your Thoughts Count

What is your psychic vote? What are you thinking right now?  Are you thinking good thought? …. Because they count! Each thought counts in every moment. Each thought affects every living thing. We must think good thoughts for ALL…. Then ALL will benefit! Copyright 7-18-98 Kenny Berman