Guidelines for Preparation of the Fly Agaric Mushroom (Amanita muscaria) For Human Consumption


To simplify things let’s just say that the Amanita muscaria contains two main compounds. One of those compounds it contains is Ibotenic Acid, the other compound being Muscimol. The former is toxic to the system, the latter is psychoactive. When the Amanita dries the Ibotenic Acid converts to Muscimol. Therefore it is NECESSARY if you ARE TO CONSUME these mushrooms that they have been THOROUGHLY AND PROPERLY DRIED! Preferable one should use a food dehydrator is they have fresh specimens. NEVER CONSUME FRESH AMANITA! Unless of course you what to feel like shit! According to Donald Teeter (an expert on the Amanita and its preparation) the Ibotenic Acid loses a carbon dioxide molecule during the drying process and then converts to Muscimol. What this means is that you CAN NOT CONSUME ANY CARBONATED BEVERAGES BEFORE OR DURING THE EXPERIENCE! According to D.T. this will re-convert the Muscimol back into Ibotenic Acid. He told me that in his experience he has witnessed  Amanita “poisoning” happen almost immediately after a subject has taken one or two sips from beer or soda while joyfully high on Amanitas. I’ll take this as an example as to what not to do. Better safe than sorry.

Preparing the Nectar:

The “Nectar” is what we will be producing. It is like wine in light dosages (1cup). The heavier the dose the more stupor-like the experience becomes. If higher doses are consumed the participant usually falls into a strange dreamy sleep. This is what D.T. told me was “the true mystical experience from the Amanita”. Play it safe and enjoy!

Materials needed:

1) 1/2 oz of DRIED Amanita muscaria mushrooms (KNOW YOUR SOURCE!)

2) 1 liter of apple or grape juice

3) 2 liters of purified water

4) Screen-strainer

5) 2 containers: one 1.5 liter capacity and one 3 liter cap.


  1. Put mushrooms in 1.5 liter container.
  2. Add juice.
  3. Let this sit for 8-12 hours but NEVER MORE than that amount of time! If you let the mushrooms sit in the solution too long it starts to extract the Ibotonic Acid and the potion begins to regain toxicity.
  4. Strain out mushroom material with the screen-strainer.
  5. Put solution in 3 liter container.
  6. Add two liters of purified water
  7. Your “Nectar” is now ready to consume.
  8. Drink the Nectar in small sips slowly over time (1-2 hours). ALWAYS DRINK WATER while drinking your potion. Consume as much as needed or desired.

Formulated for an Entheo-educational Experience  K.J.B. 2009