On Reality

Reality is what we are experiencing at any given moment. Otherwise it is all a fantasy….but of course reality in any given moment is subjective and therefore does not equate to any given formula or hypothesis….

What is anything then? ……

…Only theoretical conceptions – Some that can be solidified – Others that cannot be solidified – Even the words used to describe some of these conceptions would be inadequate by the paradox created through the act of attempting their description…

…I mean some things we can manifest through theories and equations, while other things remain only as theories or concepts that cannot be brought into or manifested in this physical plane of existence…

…Yet, somehow we base our B.S. (belief systems) on the concepts for mentioned – Science though, and often religions, present a concept of a “metaphysical state” that is often only seen or observed through a subjective conceptual reality that has no material basis for its so called “proof.” In science too, abstract concepts are often presented only in mathematical equations or models which also cannot be perceived in solidified reality of the senses or described in any verbal form of language…

..Therefore, this still leaves the concepts of reality open for individual speculation through each of our subjective observations and perceptions of our experience in any given moment. 

Copyright 5-14-2012 Kenneth Berman