Rules We should Live By

  1. Think good thoughts: 1) Visualize a positive outcome in ALL situations. 2) Don’t dwell on negative aspects or visualize negative results.
  2. Do not hurt anything: 1) That means physically, mentally or emotionally.
  3. Use power and knowledge with respect and caution: 1) Don’t abuse what you have attained 2) Always use power conscientiously, with pure intentions to help.
  4. Love and respect others for what and who they are: 1) Look for and see the good in everyone when it is possible. 2) The exception of course would be to place unbalanced mercy on an individual that is being irrationally violent towards others.
  5. Always look towards the novel: 1) Conscious creation is always walking a fine line. 2) Anything “new” has just stepped over from fantasy to “reality.” 3) This concept helps keep our dreams alive.
  6. Breathe love: 1) Breath is our connection to source.  2) With each breath emanate love. 3) Let this be the meditated manifestation of each moment.
  7. Use love to heal: 1) It is how you direct your positive energy and to what degree or force. 2) Love is the power we all have for healing each other and maintaining our own wholeness of being.
  8. Strive beyond survival: 1) Survive with the good of all in mind. 2) Think beyond just getting by and living each day.

Copyright 2022 K.Berman