In any discussion pertaining to sacred plants in their relationship to our spiritual communities, what first comes to mind is integrity. An ambiguous state of spirituality must exist in this eclectic world of spiritual beliefs. If we open our minds to other peoples philosophies we can assimilate ourselves more efficiently into our spiritual communities. We know the community is much stronger than the individual group. In community we share like minded ideas and work together to accomplish positive change for the earth and all of its life. We can accomplish this only through our own personal integrity  and surrendering  any self-righteous ideas that keep us from accepting the “truth of truths” — that all is one.

 When we open our mind to other peoples spiritual beliefs we transcend from the level of self righteousness into a higher state of true integration. We then can accept that the philosophies of other belief systems are sacred in their own right . The question is still — what do we believe to be sacred? Let us examine this word for just one moment. Sacred is derived from the Latin word sacer or sancire  meaning to make holy, consecrate.

 The word sacred is defined by Webster as 1) made or declared holy: (as for)  sacred wine or bread 2) Worthy of reverence or respect; venerable; the sacred teachings of Buddha 3) Dedicated to a single use, purpose, or person.

  Ancient cultures have held the sacred plants in high esteem. They have applied them in holy ceremonies, rituals ,and as adornments for their Gods.They have been used for specific purposes such as healing and self transformation. For these reasons they have been revered and respected for their  applications as powerful tools and medicines.

 We know that ALL LIFE is sacred and that there are no prejudices allowed within this concept. We hold in the community of spiritual consciousness the virtue of compassion for all life. We must love all of the natural world to truly integrate our existence into one big harmonious ball of conscious loving evolution. At this time it is very important not to forget nor neglect but rather extend our compassion and non-prejudice into the realm of sacred spirit plants such as ayahuasca, Peyote, Psilocybe, Salvia divinorum and others.

 Plants have been here far longer than any other macro-scopic organism . It is clear that man has used plants for food and medicine far before written history. We know that Shamanism dates back as one of the earliest forms of sacred rite. It is a safe hypothesis to state that the use of sacred plant medicines predates most holistic modalities and organized religion , not the contrary. Chances are that ancient civilizations used these sacred plants to enter states of consciousness that inspired the concepts of these modalities or religions (or rejected them!). These plants have held and still hold a very important role in the spiritual/evolutionary transformation of our species. This may very well be the reason why they are still being used.

 Like all philosophies, belief systems and modalities, not everything is for everyone. It must ALL be integrated into ONE though, if we want this big harmonious ball of love and compassion to function and evolve. The sacred plants NEED assistance from the spiritual community. They need love, compassion and understanding. They need true respect for what it is they have to offer. Most of all, they need people to accept and integrate them for their value as powerful transformative agents. They are a catalyst in the ascension of consciousness like all other spiritual modalities. Their validity stands strong in time. They ask for a firm place in this community, not to be cast out alone.

 At this moment in history the politics of consciousness is wearing thinner into an even more conservative state. It is more than the sacred medicines that are at stake, it is our cognitive liberty. Now especially we must stand together as a community of evolving spirits, supporting each other’s modalities and helping each other reach our one common goal — harmony. The sacred plant medicines are here to help and should not be segregated from this process .They are one of the most powerful healers, helpers and transformative agents available at this time.They have been with us since before the beginning of written history. The sacred plants are not here with us now to just “come along for the ride”. They would like to provide the willing with “tickets” to some of the main attractions along the way. These plants are one with all , like we are one with all . There is no separation, only integration.

 Kenneth J. Berman Oct. 2003